Airsoft Gun Ownership How Old Do You Have To Be


Airsoft guns have become increasingly popular due to their versatile use for sport, training, and even in the law enforcement and military realm. The question of how old you need to be to own an airsoft gun is a subject of much debate, as these guns are not regulated by the federal government. As the laws regarding airsoft guns vary by country, state, and locality, it can often be difficult to determine the exact age requirements for ownership. This article will explore eight topics related to the legal age requirement for owning an airsoft gun, and provide deeper understanding with several subsections for each topic.

Age Requirements

The most important aspect of determining the legal age of owning an airsoft gun is understanding the difference between federal and state laws. Many states have enacted laws that specify an age requirement of 18 or older, while a number of states have no age limit. In the United States, federal law requires that anyone over the age of 18 must be considered an adult for airsoft gun associated activities. However, many states have enacted laws that require individuals to be 18 to purchase or own an airsoft gun.

The laws can change from state to state, and even vary from municipality to municipality, so it is important to research your local area to determine the specifics. Some states, such as Florida, have laws that require all persons under the age of 18 to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian when purchasing an airsoft gun. It is important to read through all laws pertaining to your area before making any purchases.

The Age of Majority

When determining the legal age for owning an airsoft gun, it is important to consider the age of majority. The age of majority is the age at which a person is legally considered an adult, and is able to make decisions and enter into legally binding contracts without parental permission or a guardian. In the United States, the age of majority is 18 in most states, with a few exceptions. In Alabama, the age of majority is 19, and in Nebraska and Mississippi, it is 21.

Airsoft Gun Definitions

Another important topic when deciding the legal age to own an airsoft gun is to understand the different definitions of airsoft guns. Airsoft guns are a type of recreational gun that uses a compressed air or spring design to fire a plastic projectile. There are three types of airsoft guns available in the United States. The first type is the electric airsoft gun, which uses an electric motor to fire a plastic BB or pellet. The second type is the gas-powered airsoft gun, whose propellant can be either propane or green gas, and the third type is the spring-powered airsoft gun, which uses a spring-loaded firing mechanism instead of a motor.

The Laws That Govern Airsoft Guns

It is also important to understand the laws that govern airsoft guns in the United States. Federal law does not regulate the sales or use of airsoft guns, but many states and localities have passed laws that specify an age limit for buying, owning, operating, and using airsoft guns. Generally, the laws prohibit anyone under the age of 18 from owning an airsoft gun, although some localities may have more stringent laws. For example, some states require individuals to be 18 to purchase an airsoft gun, while other states may allow individuals as young as 14 to own one. It is important to research the laws in your area before buying an airsoft gun.

Understanding Parental Responsibility

It is important to understand that the laws regarding owning an airsoft gun do not eliminate a parent's or guardian's responsibility. Although a child may be of the legal age to purchase an airsoft gun, it is the parent's or guardian's responsibility to ensure that their child is safely and correctly using the gun. Parents or guardians should be aware of their local or state laws, and teach their children about safety when handling and using an airsoft gun.

Safety Requirements

Safety is one of the most important considerations when owning an airsoft gun. All airsoft guns must be treated as if they were real firearms, and appropriate safety precautions should be taken. Airsoft guns should never be pointed at another person, and it is important to wear eye protection while operating or using an airsoft gun. Additionally, it is important to understand the local laws regarding use of airsoft guns and to ensure that they are operated in an outdoor setting to prevent damage to property.

Airsoft Gun Insurance

In some states, it is mandatory for owners of airsoft guns to have insurance in order to protect themselves from any potential liabilities or damages resulting from the use of their airsoft gun. It is important to research the specific laws and insurance requirements in your area in order to determine the exact amount of coverage needed. In addition, you should check with your homeowners insurance policy to see if it covers the use of an airsoft gun.

Liability Insurance

In some cases, airsoft gun owners may be required to purchase liability insurance in order to cover potential accidents that could occur as a result of using an airsoft gun. The amount of insurance required and the costs can vary from state to state, so it is important to research this matter thoroughly. It is also important to understand the terms and conditions of the policy before purchasing it in order to ensure that you have all of the necessary coverage.

Safe Transportation

Finally, it is important to understand the laws regarding the transportation of an airsoft gun. Depending on your state or locality, it may be illegal to transport an airsoft gun in a vehicle or to carry it on your person in public. Generally, it is illegal to transport an airsoft gun in a car unless it is unloaded and securely stored. Additionally, most states require that airsoft guns be safely carried and transported in a secure container or zip-lock bag.


In conclusion, understanding the laws and regulations surrounding owning an airsoft gun is important for ensuring safe use while also staying within legal boundaries. Although the age requirement for owning an airsoft gun varies from location to location, the age of majority is generally 18 in most states, with a few exceptions. It is important to research your local laws and understand the definitions and types of airsoft guns, as well as any additional safety requirements and insurance policies that may be necessary. By understanding and adhering to these rules, airsoft gun owners can enjoy the sport without legal or safety issues.